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Squatting is an absolutely pivotal part of developing successful Olympic weightlifters. Unfortunately, many Olympic weightlifters don’t squat well or lack an understanding of how to actually squat. For instance, this can manifest in long-legged lifters who struggle with finding a good movement pattern, time under tension, struggle to grind through specific portions of the movement...
We are asked all the time if the deadlift should be used in training to enhance an athlete’s sports performance capability. People ask us over DM, text messaging and email. A lot of these questions are based around the fact that Robert Oberst said on the Joe Rogan podcast that this movement should not be utilized if people are sports performance athletes. The gist of Oberst’s argument is that the deadlift will beat the athlete up too much and, as an athlete, there...
Skill position football players need to be explosive. On the field performance is highly dependent on how fast athletic tasks can be performed. Getting going and demonstrating reactive strength in both unilateral and bilateral movement patterns is unavoidable on the field. Plyometrics are a robust part of any training program worth its merit in athletic performance...