The Day of a Working Athlete – Garage Strength

The Day of a Working Athlete

The Day of a Working Athlete

Being an athlete can be very difficult at times. Stack working 6 days a week on top of that and it becomes damn near impossible. Working and being an athlete at the same time means that your day has to be almost always planned out. Here, I will be taking step by step through my day, and exactly what I do on these days.

Monday through Friday

Morning: When I wake up I immediately brush my teeth and make coffee. During my morning coffee, I will check Earth Fed Muscle’s Instagram and Garage Strength’s and respond to people when I need to. After coffee, I will start my breakfast and get ready for the day. After breakfast, I dedicate 15-20 minutes of stretching and recovery before leaving for work. This way I can keep my body recovered and feeling ready for my training session a few hours later. Once all that is done I head to the gym at 7:30 am to start work. I work on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 8-11 am, then 2-8 pm. Once my morning work is over I get ready to lift at 11. My lifting session typically takes me 1.5-2 hours to complete. After training, I will jump in the Normatec boots on most days to continue my recovery process. I say most days because sometimes my workout runs a little late and I don't have enough time to use them. After the Normatec I drive over to my girlfriend's house for lunch. This is a very important part of my day because I am limited on the time I see her. This extra 20 minutes a day makes going back to work easy.

Night: At 2 pm I start work again. During this time I answer emails, fulfill orders, update Danes work tracker, and do a lot of social media stuff. The Olympic weightlifters train at 5 pm so my morning training is normally with only 1-3 people. Once work is over at 8 pm I go back over to my girlfriend's house to eat and see her for another hour. I get back to my house around 9:30 pm and this is when I will shower and do another 15-minute stretch and recovery session before I go to bed. Around 10:30 pm Is when I will meditate. I do a 10 minute guided meditation before bed to help me clear my mind. Then I go to bed.

Now, this is everything I do 3 days a week when I have work in the mornings. The only difference between the other days is instead of going to work at 8 I will sleep in a little longer. Giving my body more time to recover.


Saturday’s are mostly a for me, my girlfriend, and my family to all be together. But, I always start the morning off with John Giacalone. John is my mobility doctor who I see once a week. John keeps me moving well and is one of the main reasons as to why I'm always healthy and training well. My girlfriend and I will drive about an hour every Saturday morning to see him. After this, the day is pretty much free. I add stretching and power massaging when I feel its necessary but for the most part Its a free day. I post once on social media on Saturdays for Garage Strength and I keep up on all my Earth Fed Muscle stuff I have to do.


Sundays are very easy on me mentally and help get me ready for the week. I get to work at 8 am and am done by 11. After that, I begin my training for the day. Again, my training takes about 1.5-2 hours. Once this is over I go home and enjoy some football throughout the day. This allows me to relax and let my body wind down. Then it all starts over on Monday.

Being a working athlete is not something for the faint at heart. It takes lots of planning and tons of energy. The days are long and don't get shorter. It makes you really keep your dreams of training in check. Its also brings a lot of good with it. It teaches you how to handle stress and manage time, it occupies your mind and doesn't give you time to feel sorry for yourself, and it helps you grow as a person. Being a working athlete is hard, but everything I do will be worth it in the end.

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