Pushing Content, How Digital Marketing is Oddly Similar to Strength and Training
Pushing Content, How Digital Marketing is Oddly Similar to Strength and Training
During my athletic career, I have figured out how important social media was and how influential it can be on an athlete with endorsements or sponsorships. Since starting my job at Garage Strength I have also worked a lot on social media platforms. Learning how to promote and captures peoples attention on the business side of things makes me realize that odd connection lifting has with digital marketing.
In digital marketing, the whole goal is to get your products out and live in the real world through social media platforms and the internet. Digital marketing is also very prominent in mobile phones, making it super easy for the everyday person to be involved in it. Digital marketing is basically trying to promote and sell something online, and the same goes for weightlifting. Weightlifters will post videos of themselves or images of them being “fit” to promote themselves to companies for sponsorships or self-fame. Instagram is a platform that is used in both digital marketing and weightlifting, and they are used very similarly in both.
If you are good at digital marketing and apply it to your everyday life with lifting you can grow both online and in strength very fast. The connection between digital marketing and strength training are very small, but enough of a connection is made to make an impact on each other.