Understanding the STRENGTH of MyoFibrillar Hypertrophy

Understanding the STRENGTH of MyoFibrillar Hypertrophy

The strength world has many confusing principles. Athletes, fitness geeks and coaches are consistently trying to find their way in the strength world, experimenting with different ideas while striving for unified results. Big terms get thrown around, various athletes have different results and the confusion becomes a revolving door of random exercises and random programming.
There has to be some way to comprehend strength gains. There has to be a simple way to embrace decent science while improving the world of iron in the weight room. Do you feel like you need to improve your strength gains? Are you feeling pathetically weak? Let’s dive into various aspects surrounding myofibrillar hypertrophy.

A common misconception surrounding the strength world is the idea that there are specific rep ranges to get stronger and there are specific rep ranges to get bigger and at the end of the day, these rep ranges never crossover.
Myofibrillar hypertrophy is the look of density, the type of muscle that is extremely solid and impressive. The style of muscle seen in gymnasts, wrestlers, pole vaulters and Olympic weightlifters. The practical and functional form of hypertrophy that can lead to impressive gains of strength.
How can it be trained?!?!
1. Slow Eccentrics

During a slow eccentric movement, or the movement that occurs when we LOWER the weight into a deep squat position or as we lower the bar from the locked out position to our chest. If the athlete executes this movement with a slower tempo, say 4-8 seconds, the muscle fiber will undergo a considerable amount of stress. When this stress is placed on the muscle, satellite cells are proliferated to RENOVATE the fibers and ultimately lead to a mitochondrial donation that enhances the strength and power output of that muscle.
2. Role of sarcomeres

Myofibrils are extremely important in enhancing strength gains. As the sarcomeres adapt, they are responsible for the strength of the contraction. The more they adapt, the stronger the muscle will become and the result will be a stronger myofiber. The long term response will generate more myofibrils which will lead to an increased cross sectional area of the muscle and to a point, more sarcomeres at the end of the muscle fiber.
When does it happen?!?!

Myofibrillar hypertrophy can occur during very long ranges of eccentric stress. As a lifter or athlete lowers a load during a back squat or bench press, this movement should be controlled to stimulate serious satellite cell proliferation. During the eccentric portion, there is a greater accumulation of myofibers AS LONG AS there is enough protein from a nutritional perspective to aid in recovery.
Training myofibrillar based strength will lead to an increase in strength and will improve relative, pound for pound strength. This is a key component in virtually every single sport, including those realms of athletics where absolute strength plays a greater role.
Myofibrillar hypertrophy plays a KEY role in increasing muscular density and muscular strength. As the body undergoes a serious amount of stress, it is forced to adapt by generating more myofibers through satellite cell proliferation which can also lead to potentially more sarcomeres on the end of the muscle. The sarcomeres are responsible for potency of contraction, a direct response to myofibrillar hypertrophy.

Dane Miller
Dane Miller is the owner and founder of Garage Strength Sports Performance. He works with a select handful of clients on building comprehensive programs for fitness and nutrition. Several times a year he leads a workshop for coaches, trainers, and fitness enthusiasts.
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