I Trained Like Larry Wheels... i'm dead
Larry Wheels, in my belief, is one of the strongest people in the world. He is all over social media as an influencer. He is monstrous. He is a big, hulking dude with crazy pressing capability and crazy deadlift capability. He does video game feats, like 800 lbs for reps pulling or back squatting 500+ lbs for sets of twenty.
Larry trained as a bodybuilder in the past, as a strongman, and a powerlifter. He is pretty unique with his influences.
I decided to do an upper body session in hopes that afterward my chest became as big as Larry Wheels’
Decline Bench With Fat Bar
I love decline benching and don’t care about all the haters. I had to do 5x8 and built up. I wanted to go 145, 235, 285, 325, to 365, something nice and easy to get a killer pump going to the triceps. Eights reps is a lot more than I thought it was and that is why I only made it to 325 lbs.
When I decline bench, I like leaving my left leg up mainly because I was a shot putter and I always liked to bench like Ulf Timmerman. I also feel less stress on my lower back. I think I may have a little tilt that causes some spasms in my lower back.

325 lbs for 8 on the decline is okay, it isn’t amazing. It is weird with the fat bar. What would that compare to the flat bench with a normal bar? Maybe 315 or 340 lbs for eight? It all depends how strong the triceps are when decline benching. The fat bar requires more stabalizing from the forearms.
Dumbbell Bench Press Super-Set With Dumbbell Flat Flies
I had trouble following the document of the programming. So I just picked the movements that the programming seemed to want me to do, which started with the DB flat flies for four sets of almost ten reps.
During this workout, I had been crushing the Liver King diet. The Liver King eats a lot of food and I felt bloated.
Anyway, after crushing the dumbbell bench, I had to do some dumbbell flies on a flat bench. One cue I always like to think about with flat flies is to think of hugging a big oak tree lying upon the middle of the chest.
I kept building up the weight on the dumbbell flat bench. I got to the 125 lbs dumbbells and wanted to do two more heavy sets afterward so I mentally needed the set to be nice and strong. It felt pretty good.
I think that super setting the flies after the press is like post-exhaustion, but not really. I’d rather have lighter flies for a set of fifteen, rest, and then hit a big set of bench press for true pre-exhaustion. Either way, I felt pretty good doing the workout.

Mid workout, I started thinking of old videos of Ronnie Coleman smashing huge, absurd sets, like hitting a deadlift of 650 lbs for a set of twelve. It doesn’t seem like Larry Wheels does exactly, but maybe he does more standardized periodization. Now that is based on the program I performed, but that is only a small glimpse. Larry Wheels may have a small alteration that takes place.
Thinking aside, I took the 140 lbs dumbbells for a ride. It went well so I decided to do one more set even heavier using the 150 lbs dumbbells. I took a little longer rest before taking the even heavier dumbbells for a ride.
During that rest, I continued to think about Ronnie Coleman and Larry Wheels. What is the goal? As a bodybuilder, is it more beneficial to lift really heavy, hitting sets of four or five with a focus of the ten to fifteen rep range over time. We want to be able as a bodybuilder to hit the heaviest weights for fifteen reps because it will show more sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. The other argument might be to always do five sets of twelve and always hammer sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. The difference in training would revolve around doing different variations of the movement, so like an incline bench and a flat bench.
It is like there are two camps. There are those who lift heavy and those who do all sets at twelve to fifteen reps. It also depends on the gear the bodybuilding athlete is on to get huge. In the end, it depends on preference. Nattie’s will probably benefit the most from trying to lift heavy and get strong in conjunction with the sarcoplasmic pump chase.
I got six reps with the 150 lbs dumbbells. I decided to go heavier with the flies because of my failure.

Incline Dumbbell French Press, Side Lateral Raises, and Rope Extensions
I couldn’t really see what the movements to be performed needed to look like by clicking on a link in the programming. That bugged me. Thankfully I have a near encyclopedia knowledge of lifting movements.
The incline dumbbell french press is one of my favorite tricep exercises to improve the lockout. This lift basically hits all three heads of the tricep, making it a gold mine for horseshoe trize. My goal was to hit the designated eighty reps in two or three sets. Let’s just say, on that first set, I got a good pump.

Hitting the end with that incline dumbbell french press pump, I sat up in the incline and immediately started repping out the side lateral raises. The breathing got heavy and the pump became real. At least my upper back, traps, and delts all felt the muscles engaging.
Now Larry Wheel’s program said rope extension, but I settled on using a PowerLastic band to chase a dummy pump in the triceps. Just straight blasting the triceps.
I really like how Larry had the reps set up, saying things like “80”, “60”, “80” reps. It left it to my own discretion. I tried to get thirty to forty reps a go to get really swole. This is the time I got to really chase that sarcoplasmic pump. I found this thought process reasonable and excellent for people who are more natural.
Check out Larry Wheels, he got good stuff. My only critique is that he can improve the delivery of the program by having links to watch videos of the movements to give direct information on how things need to be performed. Besides that minor hiccup, I recommend doing workouts prescribed by Larry Wheels.
Check out Dane's workouts of other YouTube influencers below!
Dane Miller is the owner and founder of Garage Strength Sports Performance. He works with a select handful of clients on building comprehensive programs for fitness and nutrition. Several times a year he leads a workshop for coaches, trainers, and fitness enthusiasts.