A Letter to Our Mothers

Hi mom,
As Mother’s Day approaches I sit here and think about how awesome and important you are to me. As I try to think about what and where I’d be without you, I realize that I literally wouldn’t be alive. This is something I have never done before, but showing your appreciation is the least I can do.
Growing up was always easy with you and dad as my parents. The way you pushed me, loved me, and made me try things I didn’t want to try, really made me who I am today. At a young age, I was for sure a momma’s boy. I’m not embarrassed to say that I would help you with your hair and sing with you in the car. I’m glad I got to sing and act (a little) because I know that you did that when you were young. I wanted to do similar things to what you did!
It took me a while to really realize how much motivation you give me. Seeing you have a full-time job, and work as a personal trainer and full-time babysitter helped me understand time management and motivation. You have always supported every decision I ever made and you never judged me for the mistakes I made. I have never been embarrassed to have you as my mom and you will always be one of my best friends.
Thank you for supporting me, loving me, and teaching me how to do my laundry. Also, the biggest thing of all… thank you for letting me live with you! I promise I won’t be there that much longer.
Your favorite son, Jake

I don’t think I’ll ever be able to put into words how much you mean to me, and how appreciative I am of everything you’ve done and continue to do for me. You have always supported me, and without you I wouldn’t be where I am today. You spent so much of your time driving me to field hockey games, practices and clinics. You were always on the sideline cheering me on, even when it gave you anxiety, and were there to pick me up after a tough game. You were my biggest supporter and it meant the world to me to always have you there. Thank you for being the best role model and for pushing me to be the best athlete, student, coach and person I can be. You raised me to be kind, caring and giving, but also taught me to recognize my value and not take shit from anyone. I feel incredibly lucky to have you as my momma and am grateful every day to be your daughter. I definitely hit the jackpot, I love you mom!
When I think about my mom it is hard not to think about strength. Although I know a fair amount about how to build physical strength, my mom has taught me and been an example to me about how to develop strength of mind, the strength of character, and strength of leadership. Not only has she raised three children, but has managed and helped run a farm business, leads and runs a non-profit organization, and now both speaks and preaches to hundreds of people about her values and experiences. I see strength in her when she selflessly provides and nurtures our family. I see strength in her when I realize I’ve never heard her complain about work being too hard or not being acknowledged enough for the hard work she’s done. I see strength in her when she takes young people who are in some of the toughest times in their lives and mentors them. And I see strength in her when I know that whatever I do and wherever I go I know she will love me.
Thank you for being strong for me, Mom!

To me, Mother’s Day is a day to recognize and honor your mom for all the things she has done from the past up to the present and even what she’ll do beyond to the future. I’m most grateful for the character and unconditional love she has taught me through life. In the very short but humble twenty-three years of my life, I can say with absolute confidence that my mother has had the most important impact on my life than any other human being. I’m thankful for all that you’ve done and what you will do but more importantly, I'm thankful for the person you are. Happy Mothers Day!

I remember those days you took me to sports practices. Then you waited there the whole time watching the entire practice just to take me home. I remember when I played high school sports and you kept track of all my statistics for every event. I remember you always being there for me growing up.
I remember you always being there to listen and help me through struggles at college. I remember calling you at 2 am and answering and calming me down after bad things happened. I remember you always being a great mother.
I want you to remember that even though I have a family now that you are still important to me. I want you to remember that Henley loves you and you can see her at any time. I want you to remember that you are the reason I am a great father.
Time has flown by over the years, and I just want you to know how much I love you. I want you to remember that I will always be there for you. I hope you have a great Mother's Day.
Love always,